Pet Sitting
While you're away, you can rest assured knowing your pets are in responsible, caring hands. We'll visit multiple times a day and offer your pets fresh food and water, playtime, and exercise; plus lots of attention and mess-cleanup if necessary.
We provide additional services free of charge: bring in mail, newspaper, and packages, rotate lights, water plants, empty dehumidifiers, and take out garbage and recycling. We’ll be there to keep your pet and home needs on their daily schedule.
Dog Sitting (One or more dogs at home)
First Dog Ea. Addtl Dog
15 Minutes $20 $6​
30 Minutes $27 $7
45 Minutes $38 $8
During Dog Sitting, we will care for your cats or other pets for a small extra fee.

Cat Sitting (One or more cats at home; No dogs)
1-3 Cats 4-7 Cats
15 Minutes $20 $25​
30 Minutes $30 $35
During Cat Sitting, we will care for your other pets for a small extra fee.